We believe in sustainable manufacturing.
We place a great emphasis on environmental issues and workplace safety. In building our business and organization, we always emphasize equality, welfare, and environmental friendliness. We do this through our processes, regulations, and culture, and care programs like Save Our Planet and 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
As our way to commit to the environment, we ensure that our finished products are fully recycleable and we provide a recycling plant that recycles waste in every step of our production process. The recycled polymer chips from our plant are used in other manufacturing processes, such as for footwear and household industries.
we always emphasize equality, walfare, and environmental friendliness
Together we can make a difference.
As a company, we are a part of our society, so with intentionality and the right actions, we can make a difference. Our company believes in giving generously to provide solutions to social problems in our local community and the world.